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Guanacos of Patagonia -Chile and Argentina-


Readily found on both the Chilean and Argentina sides of Patagonia, Guanacos have long graced the varied terrains of the Ride Andes’ Great Andes Crossing,’ trip.

Thought to be the wild ancestor of the domesticated alpacas and llamas, today the graceful creatures are protected by law from the hunting that threatened them for centuries.

Guanacos are at the top of the list when it comes to adapting to harsh conditions, known to survive in the bitter cold as well as the arid heat of the desert. Patagonia is one of the few low altitude places to spot guanacos, most live at higher elevations.

Sightings are frequent on our rides as groups and sometimes mothers and their calves are often the hosts of the Patagonian wilderness.

They also can warn of danger, emitting a high-pitched bleating sound when their natural predator, the puma is nearby.

For more information on our route through Patagonia, the places we visit, and extensions that we are happy to arrange after your trip, please see our full itineraries on this site and feel free to contact us at your convenance.

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